Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Getting a handle on video card prices and features

Several people have asked me lately about video cards, and here are a couple of useful resources.

Newegg has a nice Excel Spreadsheet cataloguing modern videocards. It doesn't tell you the prices of these cards, but you can cross-reference the monthly Video Card Price Guide over at Sharky Extreme, and get most of the information you'll need to make an informed decision.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tommy's on Clairemont Mesa now open!

Oh frabjous day.

The delightful greaseness that is a Tommyburger arrives in San Diego.

One double cheeseburger (with chili, natch), hold the tomatoes, pickles, and onions!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

"Year of the HTPC" article

A summary of the various HTPC products at CES 2006.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Comic Book Annotation Sites

I've mentioned these to people, and I don't want to have to remember them again, so here they all are for future reference.

Watchmen annotations by Ralf Hildebrand.

Watchment annotations by Doug Atkinson, formatted in html
, and a texty version.

Jeff Nevins' comic book annotations
(includes his very excellent Kingdom Come annotations). Sometimes his Geocities sites aren't available, but the annotations are mirrored at...

, "The place for comic book annotations and bibliographies"